
  •  【预订】Tanzanian Economy, The 9780275938123

    【预订】Tanzanian Economy, The 9780275938123




    / 1992-12-10

    / Praeger

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780275938123 Author 作者 Bukuku Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 240页 Publisher 出版社 Praeger Publication Date 出版日期 1992-12-10 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 23.4 x 15.6 x 1.4 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 0.5 kg Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This work represents the first in-depth analysis of Tanzanian income distribution and growth. Employing classical and neoclassical distribution theory, Enos S. Bukuku examines the periods of economic crisis suffered by Tanzania in the past two decades, and analyzes the government's reform efforts between 1967 and 1990. Bukuku's theoretical argument is that patterns of income generation, income distribution, and growth in developing countries are highly influenced by state interventionist economic policy and development strategy. H

