
  •  【预订】Progettare Sul Lago Di Como

    【预订】Progettare Sul Lago Di Como




  •  【预订】I’m a Mathematician Now! 9789811282409

    【预订】I’m a Mathematician Now! 9789811282409



    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9789811282409 Author 作者 Disconzi Marcelo M Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 44 pp页 Publisher 出版社 World Scientific Education Publication Date 出版日期 2023-12-08 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Meet Marcelo, a kid like you and me, who grew up in Brazil wanting to become a philosopher and solve logic puzzles. Philosophy led him to physics, and physics led him to mathematics. Learn how Marcelo thinks about mathematical equations as puzzles to solve and how solving one of those puzzles helped him learn about how the universe works.The Who Me series features inspirational biographies of scientists whom young readers will be able to identify with as people like themselves. Written by the scientists themselves and co-authors from Vanderbilt University, the books are designed to help young readers understand that scientists are regular people

