
  •  【预订】Jothy, My Kind of Different

    【预订】Jothy, My Kind of Different




  •  【预订】Public Administration for Planners 9781032261935

    【预订】Public Administration for Planners 9781032261935



    Stephen Kehs

    / 2022-09-29

    / Routledge

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781032261935 Author 作者 Stephen Kehs Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 276页 Publisher 出版社 Routledge Publication Date 出版日期 2022-09-29 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 234 x 156 mm (6.14 x 9.21 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This book offers an introduction to public administration by a veteran practitioner, written for planners, as well as students seeking a public administration career and individuals simply wanting to learn more about responsible government.The narrative provides an overview of public administration theory and the importance of leadership in today’s contentious political environment. The book contains five broad sections including an introduction, sections on management, the public sector, government programs, and some impressions on why this subject is so critically important in our society today. T


  •  【预订】Public Administration for Planners 9781032261928

    【预订】Public Administration for Planners 9781032261928




    / Routledge

    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781032261928 Author 作者 Stephen Kehs Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 276页 Publisher 出版社 Routledge Publication Date 出版日期 2022-09-29 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 234 x 156 mm (6.14 x 9.21 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This book offers an introduction to public administration by a veteran practitioner, written for planners, as well as students seeking a public administration career and individuals simply wanting to learn more about responsible government.The narrative provides an overview of public administration theory and the importance of leadership in today’s contentious political environment. The book contains five broad sections including an introduction, sections on management, the public sector, government programs, and some impressions on why this subject is so critically important in our society today. Typical

