
  •  书虫新版升级二级2共12册送音频初二初三牛津英汉双语读物附扫码免费音频、习题答案、读后测评




    (英)丹尼尔·笛福DANIEL DEFOE )等著;

    / 2022-05-20

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    专为非英语母语学习者打造,严格控制语言难度,词汇、语法高频复现并逐级进阶,帮孩子从250个核心词和简单句开始,读懂世界文学名著简写本,直至达到读懂原版小说的水平。 br 屡获殊荣: br 英语语言学习类读物国际权威大奖 泛读协会语言学习者文学大奖 br 全行业优秀热销书(教育类) br 入选 百种中小学教材延伸阅读书目 br 入选中小学图书馆(室) br 100%涵盖2022年版义务教育初中段主题,且配合主教材学习进度,高效巩固和拓展课堂所学。 br 习题注重思维品质培养,包含中高考重要题型:读后续写、信件写作、完形填空等。 br 形式升级,打造更舒适的阅读体验:加大开本、字号,增加大幅插图,符合《儿童青少年学习用品近视防控卫生要求》;中英文分开,英文在前,中文在后,避免中译文干扰英语阅读。 br 服务升级,助力 双减 后自主学习


  •  书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:监控录像(入门级中 适合小学高年级、初一)

    书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:监控录像(入门级中 适合小学高年级、初一)


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2013-12-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    书虫 牛津英汉双语读物 是外语教学与研究出版社和牛津大学出版社联袂奉献给英语学习者的一大分级阅读精品书系,为您提供从小学高年级至大学的全套阅读方案。畅销十余年、销售逾60,000,000册。内容为读者耳熟能详的经典作品简写本及原创精彩故事。作者团队强大:包括英语教育专家及富有经验的牛津大学出版社的签约作者。图书按照词汇量和语言难度进行科学分级。共七个级别。入门级为漫画形式,看图阅读;**级至第六级为英汉对照形式,每页提供重点单词注释。套装内每本书都配有MP3光盘,由国外专业播音员朗读。每本书后配有练习题,协助测试阅读效果。 培养阅读能力是学好英语的重要一项,也是*符合中国学生学习习惯的一条途径。通过大量广泛的阅读,学习者可以较快提高词汇量,增强英语语感,扩大知识面,从而提高英语能力甚至直


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Elephant Man 牛津书虫分级读物

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Elephant Man 牛津书虫分级读物


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Coldest Place on Eart

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Coldest Place on Eart


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  书虫百科·牛津英汉双语读物:“泰坦尼克”号(1级 适合初一、初二年级 附扫码音频)

    书虫百科·牛津英汉双语读物:“泰坦尼克”号(1级 适合初一、初二年级 附扫码音频)



    书虫系列热销20余年,已成为了家喻户晓的英语阅读品牌,以世界优秀文学名著的英文简写本或原创文学作品而知名。 书虫百科 子系列是一套通识百科类读物,收录非虚构类文本,能够帮助学生建构更加完整、立体的知识体系,发展认知和思辨能力。 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 的作者团队不仅包括了牛津大学著名的儿童文学作家,还吸纳了不同领域的专家为之创作和审稿。读物话题包括:著名国家和城市的历史文化介绍(如巴西、美国、伦敦、纽约等);著名人物的传记(如威廉和凯特、达芬奇、史蒂芬 霍金等);自然科学的入门简介(如天文和宇宙开发、人体奥秘、恐龙和考古学等);以及世界文化现象(如体育赛事、节日庆典等),话题覆盖面广泛,文字生动有趣,配以高质量清晰的图片和译文,让非虚构类文本的阅读也能像读小说一样引人入胜。


  •  恐龙(书虫百科3级)(适合初三高一年级)




    书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 隶属 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物 大系列,是其收录非虚构类文本的一个子系列。书虫系列热销20余年,已成为了家喻户晓的英语阅读品牌,以世界优秀文学名著的英文简写本或原创文学作品而知名。 书虫百科 子系列是一套通识百科类读物,能够帮助学生建构更加完整、立体的知识体系,发展认知和思辨能力。 br 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 的作者团队不仅包括了牛津大学著名的儿童文学作家,还吸纳了不同领域的知名专家为之创作和审稿。读物话题包括:著名国家和城市的历史文化介绍(如巴西、美国、伦敦、纽约等);著名人物的传记(如威廉和凯特、达芬奇、史蒂芬 霍金等);自然科学的入门简介(如天文和宇宙开发、人体奥秘、恐龙和考古学等);以及世界文化现象(如体育赛事、节日庆典等),话题覆盖面广泛


  •  动物王国(书虫百科3级)(适合初三高一年级)




    书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 隶属 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物 大系列,是其收录非虚构类文本的一个子系列。书虫系列热销20余年,已成为了家喻户晓的英语阅读品牌,以世界优秀文学名著的英文简写本或原创文学作品而知名。 书虫百科 子系列是一套通识百科类读物,能够帮助学生建构更加完整、立体的知识体系,发展认知和思辨能力。 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 的作者团队不仅包括了牛津大学著名的儿童文学作家,还吸纳了不同领域的知名专家为之创作和审稿。读物话题包括:著名国家和城市的历史文化介绍(如巴西、美国、伦敦、纽约等);著名人物的传记(如威廉和凯特、达芬奇、史蒂芬 霍金等);自然科学的入门简介(如天文和宇宙开发、人体奥秘、恐龙和考古学等);以及世界文化现象(如体育赛事、节日庆典等),话题覆盖面广泛,文


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mary, Queen of Scots 牛津书虫

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mary, Queen of Scots 牛津书虫


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 3: Space 牛津书虫分级读物3

    Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 3: Space 牛津书虫分级读物3


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Pocahontas 牛津书虫分级读物1级:风中奇

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Pocahontas 牛津书虫分级读物1级:风中奇


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  太空(书虫百科3级)(适合初三高一年级)




    书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 隶属 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物 大系列,是其收录非虚构类文本的一个子系列。书虫系列热销20余年,已成为了家喻户晓的英语阅读品牌,以世界优秀文学名著的英文简写本或原创文学作品而知名。 书虫百科 子系列是一套通识百科类读物,能够帮助学生建构更加完整、立体的知识体系,发展认知和思辨能力。 书虫 牛津英汉双语读物(百科类) 的作者团队不仅包括了牛津大学著名的儿童文学作家,还吸纳了不同领域的知名专家为之创作和审稿。读物话题包括:著名国家和城市的历史文化介绍(如巴西、美国、伦敦、纽约等);著名人物的传记(如威廉和凯特、达芬奇、史蒂芬 霍金等);自然科学的入门简介(如天文和宇宙开发、人体奥秘、恐龙和考古学等);以及世界文化现象(如体育赛事、节日庆典等),话题覆盖面广泛,文


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Justice 牛津书虫分级读物3级:公正(英文原

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Justice 牛津书虫分级读物3级:公正(英文原


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: The Bront? Story MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: The Bront? Story MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 3: Dinosaurs 牛津书虫分

    Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 3: Dinosaurs 牛津书虫分


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 1: Titanic 牛津书虫分级读

    Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 1: Titanic 牛津书虫分级读


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  预订 Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: Grace Darling

    预订 Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: Grace Darling



    Vicary, Tim

    / 2007-12-13

    / Oxford University Press


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Skyjack! MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Skyjack! MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  【预订】An American in Norway.

    【预订】An American in Norway.




  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Skyjack! audio 牛津书虫分级读物3级

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Skyjack! audio 牛津书虫分级读物3级


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  预订 Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1:: The Piano Man

    预订 Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1:: The Piano Man



    Vicary, Tim

    / 2013-01-24

    / Oxford University Press


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Dinosaurs Factfile MP3 Pa

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Dinosaurs Factfile MP3 Pa


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Elephant Man MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Elephant Man MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Chemical Secret MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: Chemical Secret MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Coldest Place on Eart

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Coldest Place on Eart


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Titanic Factfile MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Titanic Factfile MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Piano Man MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Piano Man MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: White Death Audio 牛津书虫分级读

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: White Death Audio 牛津书虫分级读


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: White Death MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: White Death MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Starter Level: Police TV MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Starter Level: Police TV MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mutiny on the Bounty 牛津书虫

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mutiny on the Bounty 牛津书虫


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Murder of Mary Jones

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Murder of Mary Jones


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Piano Man 牛津书虫分级读物1级:

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Piano Man 牛津书虫分级读物1级:


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2: Grace Darling 牛津书虫分级读物2级:

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2: Grace Darling 牛津书虫分级读物2级:


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Murder of Mary Jones

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: The Murder of Mary Jones


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2: Grace Darling MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2: Grace Darling MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Starter Level: Police TV 牛津书虫分级读物入

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Starter Level: Police TV 牛津书虫分级读物入


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book.


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mary, Queen Of Scots MP3

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mary, Queen Of Scots MP3


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Pocahontas MP3 Pack

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Pocahontas MP3 Pack


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mutiny on the Bounty MP3

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1: Mutiny on the Bounty MP3


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。


  •  【预订】The Anatomie of the Bodie of Man 9781016565691

    【预订】The Anatomie of the Bodie of Man 9781016565691



    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781016565691 Author 作者 Vicary Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 384页 Publisher 出版社 Legare Street Press Publication Date 出版日期 1800-01-01 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.21 x 6.14 x 0.88 Shipping Weight 商品重量 1.57磅 Language 语种 其它(含多语)


  •  【预订】The English Mans Treasure: With the True Anatomie of Man

    【预订】The English Mans Treasure: With the True Anatomie of Man



    Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781013627484 Author 作者 Vicary Thomas D. 1561(Created by) Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 132页 Publisher 出版社 Legare Street Press Publication Date 出版日期 1800-01-01 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.21 x 6.14 x 0.38 Shipping Weight 商品重量 0.80磅 Language 语种 其它(含多语)


  •  【预订】Oxford Bookworms Library: Death in the Freezer:

    【预订】Oxford Bookworms Library: Death in the Freezer:



    Tim Vicary

    / 1988-08-08

    / Oxford UniversityPress


  •  Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: The Mysterious Death Of C

    Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3: The Mysterious Death Of C


    (英) Tim Vicary

    / 2019-01-01

    / 外语教学与研究出版社

    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more – the Oxford Bookworms Library has a book for every student. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR with over 270 original and adapted texts graded to ensure a comfortable read at every level. Features: Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover; Illustrations, photos, and diagrams support comprehension; Activities build language skills and check understanding; Glossaries teach difficult vocabulary Free editable tests for every book. 内附MP3下载激活码卡片,您根据卡片上的步骤说明,即可下载MP3音频。1. 建议您选择网速较快的时段下载;2. 可以整书下载(点击Download now按钮),也可以分章节下载(点击Download individual files按钮)。因整书音频较大,如果下载缓慢,建议分章节下载,速度会更快。

